
Dec. 22, 2021

So Alex, How Did You Become A Digital Marketer?

In this episode Alex talks about his journey to becoming a digital marketing expert, but don't worry, we talk about interesting stuff as well.

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Dec. 16, 2021

The Ranty Episode About Digital Marketing Idiots

In this episode, we let off a bit of steam because the contents of our bladders sometimes boil over when we see what some so-called experts do to people's (websites) businesses.

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Dec. 10, 2021

How To Use Keywords To Generate Business

Following on from the last podcast about keywords, in this one we're talking about how to use them effectively as part of your lead generation activity.

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Dec. 6, 2021

Ditch The Keyword Confusion With These Top Tips

If you're confused about keywords, what they are and how to find them, this episode of the show is for you.

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Dec. 3, 2021

The Website TLC Session

In this episode, we discuss the three main aspects of having and running a website that you need to get right for the site to work for your business.

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Nov. 29, 2021

Why A Website Audit Is Vital To Online Success

In this show, we discuss website audits and why they make sense even if you've just had your website redesigned.

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Nov. 26, 2021

Structured Business Growth With Bruce Skinner

In this episode, Bruce Skinner returns to talk about his structured approach to business growth. It's another long one but has some great advice and help for new and expanding businesses.

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Nov. 23, 2021

How To Spend Your Digital Marketing Budget

With SEO, PPC, social media and email marketing to think about, It's hard to know how you should allocate and spend your marketing budget. Rules like the 80/20 or 70/20/10 split rarely hold up to close scrutiny, so we're offering …

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Nov. 19, 2021

Is It Time To Shut The Gate On Gated Content?

Has gated content had its day as a way of coercing people to give you their contact details? Alex and Dave chat it through and come to a conclusion. It's a great episode for people thinking about creating a campaign …

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Nov. 17, 2021

So What The Hell Is Hubspot?

If you're in marketing you will have heard of Hubspot, but what is it? In this episode of the show we explain and discuss the platform in plain English minus the sales pitch you get from Hubspot. We love Hubspot …

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Nov. 12, 2021

Some Easy Quick Wins To Increase Website Leads

In this episode of the show, we talk about some quick wins to improve your website's performance. These tips might just help you to secure more leads!

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Nov. 9, 2021

Get More From Your Existing Website Traffic

There's often a belief that securing more business from your website requires more traffic or website visitors, not so. It's likely if your website is getting visitors there are things you could do to convert more of them into enquiries. …

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Nov. 5, 2021

How To Create A Killer Digital Marketing ITT

Unless you've got an in-house team getting your digital marketing right depends on finding the right agency. In this podcast, Julie and Dave guide you through the process of doing that.

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Nov. 3, 2021

Need A New Website? Don't Hire A Web Design Agency

We see too many websites built by pure web design agencies fail because of a design-first approach. The way your looks is only part of the puzzle of online success so in this podcast we discuss why using a web …

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Nov. 1, 2021

Three Ways To Take The Pain Out Of Content Creation

The relationship between digital marketing and content is well established but many people find content creation challenging. This podcast is ideal for people who need a helping hand.

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Oct. 29, 2021

Digital Marketing Tools We Love Explained In Plain English

There are some free and subscription tools we couldn't live without. In this episode of the show, we tell what they are and what they do - in plain English. It's a great listen for seasoned marketers who want to …

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Oct. 28, 2021

Who Is Your Website For?

Too many businesses build a website as a vanity project. Your website isn't for you, it's for your customers so build it for them.

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Oct. 26, 2021

What We've Learned About Creating A Podcast

In this show, we talk about what we've learned about creating a podcast. It's a great listen for business owners who are thinking about joining the podcast revolution.

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Oct. 22, 2021

What Is The Cost of Not Investing in Digital Marketing?

Having discussed the cost of digital marketing in the last episode, in this episode of the show we discuss the cost of not doing digital marketing. Alex was in the red corner and Dave was in the blue.

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Oct. 20, 2021

How Much Does Digital Marketing Cost?

If you're in the market to buy digital marketing services but you really haven't a clue what it costs, this one is for you.

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Oct. 18, 2021

Are Business Development, Sales & Marketing In Sync?

Stuart Harrison from business development consultancy Solar Flare chats to Dave about the much-misunderstood connections between BD, Sales & Marketing.

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Oct. 14, 2021

So How Long Should Digital Marketing Take To Work?

Alex, Julie & Dave discuss the vexed question of how long it should take for digital marketing to start working. This is a great episode for businesses just starting out on their digital journey but there's plenty of insights for …

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Oct. 12, 2021

Need An App But Can't Code? Mike Watson Explains Why This Isn't A Pro…

In this episode, guest Mike Watson and Dave Robinson discuss how Low Code platforms make it possible for non-coders to create digital tools that can create revenue and improve how your business runs. What, no geeks!?

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Oct. 8, 2021

A Cosy Chat With Geoff Kennedy From Sitebulb

SiteBulb is a great piece of software that helps marketing teams find issues causing search marketing issues. In this show, we chat with Head of Marketing, Geoff Kennedy.

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