Nov. 23, 2021

How To Spend Your Digital Marketing Budget

How To Spend Your Digital Marketing Budget

With SEO, PPC, social media and email marketing to think about, It's hard to know how you should allocate and spend your marketing budget. Rules like the 80/20 or 70/20/10 split rarely hold up to close scrutiny, so we're offering some no-nonsense...

Handed a pot of money and told to spend it on digital marketing? Struggling to work out how to invest it in strategies or tactics that'll generate tangible leads? You're not alone. Every day, hundreds of stressed-out marketing managers find themselves trying to apportion arbitrary budgets to paid search advertising, SEO, email marketing or social media ads. 

In this episode, we offer some no-nonsense advice to people that find themselves in that unenviable situation; dispelling some persistent myths and showing you how to work from desired results, back to ideal spend.